What Are You Ashamed Of, Rick?


One of Hoge’s “Tiny Commenters” (as defined by Ali Akbar) is a snot-dripping moron named Rick Buchanan. Rick claims to have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s when he was still a fetus, or some other such nonsense. At any rate, he claims he was diagnosed at a very young age.  He had deep brain stimulation because of tremors. Well, good. Good for Rick Buchanan.

I had deep brain stimulation when I didn’t need it because I was a perfect fit for a clinical trial to see if people in the early stages of Parkinson’s could survive DBS and tolerate the implantation of the devices long-term.

Rick Buchanan had DBS because he couldn’t handle the tremor. Poor lad.

I had DBS to further the science on Parkinson’s disease.

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What Happened to Tetyana Kimberlin?

A week ago, all you could see on the right wing blogosphere was pleas to HELP the poor, embattled Tetyana Kimberlin, left destitute because she bolted her home and family to live with a Pizza Delivery guy, who subsequently dumped her. All of a sudden? Silence. What happened? We at Radio Shiloh have a theory.

When Bad Things Happen to Bad People

There’s a certain sense of schadenfreude that goes along with watching as unaware people lurch headlong towards certain disaster. Most of us, being human, will try to warn the unaware fool that he is heading to a cliff’s edge. If the fool chooses to ignore your warning, well… you tried.

I am taking a great deal of pleasure in knowing the fate that awaits WJJ Hoge of Westminster, Maryland.  And his own hubris and mocking of my Parkinson’s disease makes it all that much more enjoyable for me.


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